Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh Canmore, My Love

Dear Canmore,

I love you... 


Last weekend I tagged on to my sister's little family getaway (sweet sister, I know) for some much needed relaxation time. 
I love going to Canmore because even though it's only an hour away, it feels like a world away from your regular life. 
I love looking in any direction and seeing divine mountains, and any possibility to run into a majestic deer really gets me going. 

I got there on Friday night and Kate, Mike, Emma and I went to dinner at the most amazing Bison in Banff

It was my first time but have been wanting to check it out on account of the fact that every single member in my family raves about it every time they go (which happens to be quite a lot) 
I really meant to take pictures of my meal so that I could share it with you all, but in my daze of great food and pork belly - oh how I love pork belly - I completely forgot to log what I was stuffing into my mouth.
So for that, I apologize.
I did however, manage to get a terrible picture of my dessert - Caramelized Banana Cream Pie with Sponge Toffee and a little baby Fudgesicle. Yikes! In a good way...

So now I'm going to be obsessed with making sponge toffee, I will let you know how that goes.
Saturday we walked around Canmore, did some shopping and for dinner went to my Canmore fav, Crazy Weed 

I had some amazing Mac & Cheese with goat cheddar and double smoked bacon... so delish! 
Even though it was a quick little trip, I filled my time with great food and the bestest company. 

So thank you Canmore, for being my escape on those times when you just need a little break.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Christmas at Market Collective

Soooooo..... it has come to my attention that I suck at blogging? I guess it's not a question, it is a fact. I know that you're thinking that I'm way too hard on myself, and maybe I'm not terrible at blogging, just very slow. 
I mean, this post was supposed to be up 3 weeks ago and I'm just getting around to it now, so I've decided to make my New Years resolution to blog faster. Be on the blogging ball.

So here we go!

Back in December I had a table at a little thing called Market Collective, which showcases and celebrates local artists, musicians, and artisans. I had done one in the past and loved doing it but due to work scheduling I could not commit to it. But now I have made it my goal to be involved in as many as I can.

For my first time back I shared a table with my lovely sister Kate, of Uh Oh My Deer and here's a peek at what it looked like

A little squishy with all of our awesome stuff filling it, but I think it turned out amazing.

I am so thankful for everyone that supported me, and for Market Collective for letting people like us have outlets to sell what we so lovingly make.

Happy New Year!