Thursday, March 22, 2012

Pretty Sweet Cake Stands!

The wait is no longer! 
Here are some photos of my current inventory of Repurposed Vintage Cake Stands.
Please don't judge my photography skills... I have absolutely no skill when it comes to lighting and I don't even know what else. Usually I get my sister  to do stuff like that for me because she's pretty dope at it, but I couldn't burden her with this task so I decided to just do it.
They aren't terrible (I don't think) but like I said don't judge me... just accept it.

Here we go! 

To Mother With Love
The Rooster

So there you have it folks! Here is my first collection. 
If you have an interest in one of the plates send me an e-mail: 

Also keep checking back here because I will post pictures of my new ones as soon as they are ready.